
Node 111

This node converts character codes into navigation actions.

Source code

editor node 211 node 112 node 011 node 110 node 111
111 navigate
host *, ca 40 * or , ; target

act 00 13 j 3B -w *, 2A ; 39 +w *,
14 k 20 -l *, 5 l 2F +l *,
20016 m 27 -blk *, 20025 / 2A +blk *,
2000F f 37 othr *, 20019 p 3C shdw *,
30017 n del ,

ptr 09 -p 1203D ptr ! @p @p !p . . . @p !b @b !p ! ! @ ;
del 0E left a! ptr 1203B -w ! ptr
right a! 5613 del ! ! ! -d-- ;
mask 19 cm-cmf over over 3F and or ;
act? 1C cm-c mask if drop drop ;
then drop 2/ 2/ 2/ 2/ 2/ 2/
-if dup 400 and if del ;
then drop 3FF and 12000 or !b F
then 12000 or left a! ! -d-- ;
nav 30 n dup dup or a! 8 for @+ act next ;
cl 36 bk'! blk !b @p !b . dup !b . . @b
if drop !b then 5601 blk! !b 12028 home
dup dup or !b 1200D rd !b !b ; 40

init up b! -d-- ; 43

5 d 2 r 0 ether


This word is defined in colorForth host dictionary. It takes character code c and address a, shifts a 6 bits left, combines the two together, and compiles the result into image.
This defines a table with masks: char code in bits 5-0, address in bits 15-6, bit 17 is a flag for block commands. We use host word *, to assemble masks. An exception is word for delete command which has both bits 17 and 16 set and holds no address.
Get current pointer from node 212 by calling ptr in 112 and getting the value p via port execution.
Call ptr, -w (in 212), and ptr again. Send both pointers (before and after moving cursor one word left) to 110 and call del there.
Return zero if c found in m.
Test mask, return if no match, else shift address to bits 9-0, if block command (bit 17 high), first check bit 10 and jump to del if set. Else make it call instruction, set A to UP and send the command. Then prepare address of home in 112 on stack and continue to non-block command processing, where we assemble call instruction and send it to 112.
Set address register A to zero, fetch a char code, go through act table and look for match. If found, execute, else ignore the char and return to DOWN port execution.
no description yet
Init register B, and jump to DOWN.
