
Node 515

Character bitmaps.

Source code

usb node 514 node 515
515 +chars
q BC444444 3C0404 g, r 5864 404040 g,
s 3C40 380478 g, t 10103810 101010 g,
u 4444 44443C g, v 4444 282810 g,
w 4454 545438 g, x 4428 102844 g,
y C4444444 3C0438 g, z 7C08 10207C g,
* 2810 280000 g, / 40810 204000 g,
@ 38445C54 5C403C g, ! 30303030 3030 g,
. 0 3030 g, , 80000030 301020 g,
; B0300030 301020 g, ' 18181020 0 g,
hash 287C28 7C2800 g, - 7C 0 g,
? 38440408 100010 g, + 10107C 101000 g,
cur 783C1C0C 1C3C78 g, 2E

go 2E @b a! @+ !b @ !b go ; 31

init right b! go ; 34

1 d 6 r 0 ether


Fetch address from RIGHT and send back two words from this address. Jump back to go.
Set register B, and jump to go.


This node contains the second part of character bitmaps. Each character is stored as two 18-bit words, in little-endian order. Format of these two words is following:



Descender bit. If set, the whole bitmap is shifted two double scan lines down.
Five bits of each slice. Slices are numbered from the top of the character matrix.

The address of a bitmap supplied by node 514 has bit 6 set, but due to RAM mirroring it is irrelevant. Thus, character with code 27 (letter q) is located at address 40, which is actually the beginning of RAM.