
Node 716

This node converts tag values into blue color component intensity of bright pixels. Intensity values are stored in a table.

Source code

usb node 717 node 715 node 716
716 blue
00 yt 01 gt 02 yw 03 yh
04 gh 05 gw 06 yd 07 rw
08 gd 09 b, 0A b. 0B pac
0C eob 0D ww 0E ad 0F cw
0 d/a , 0 d/a , 0 d/a , 0 d/a ,
80 d/a , 120 d/a , 0 d/a , 0 d/a ,
0 d/a , 100 d/a , 200 d/a , 0 d/a ,
0 d/a , 200 d/a , 120 d/a , 200 d/a ,

go 10 @b dup F and a! @ right a! ! ! go ; 16

init left b! go ; 19

8 r 0 u 0 ether


Fetch word with slice and tag from LEFT, use bits 3-0 as an index to the color component table, and get the corresponding intensity value. Send the component intensity and slice bitmap RIGHT, and repeat.
Set register B, and jump to go.


This node receives a word from node 715 with the next character slice bitmap and tag value in the following format:


These bits represent five pixels of the current character slice.
Current tag value used as index into color component intensity table.
Not relevant.

Tag color bits are used as index into the blue color component intensity table, and both character slice and color intensity are sent to node 717.